Stephan Freischem studied Mechanical Engineering at the Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technical University in Aachen, specializing in the area of combustion engine technology, particularly in computer applications and software development for engine control systems and complex vehicle simulations.
He has been trained as a patent attorney in Cologne, Berlin and Munich. He represents German and international clients in patent, trademark and design matters, including licensing negotiations and infringement cases, in various technical areas.
He specializes in the areas of computer hardware and software, including the protection of software and Internet applications through domestic and foreign patents. Further, he represents companies in the fields of general mechanical engineering, civil construction and medical technology.
Stephan Freischem is a Member of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI). Moreover, he is a member of the Committee for Digital Technology of the German Chamber of Patent Attorney and of AIPPI’s Standing Committee on Information Technology and Internet. He served as Secretary General of AIPPI from 2010 to 2014. Since 2015 he is Secretary General of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR).
Further Memberships: The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI), and the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI).
German, English, French
+49 221 270577-0
+49 221 270577-10
Martin Tongbhoyai studied physics at the University of Bonn and graduated in 1994. During his studies, he was particularly involved in solid-state physics, applied medical technology and computer technology. From 1994 to 1997 he was a research associate at the University of Bonn and received his doctorate in 1997. His doctoral thesis dealt with the development of a new device for non-destructive material testing. He completed his training as a patent attorney in Berlin and Munich and joined FREISCHEM & PARTNER in 2000 after several months of internship with patent attorneys in the USA.
Dr. Martin Tongbhoyai handles all aspects of commercial intellectual property law. In the area of patent law he specializes in the fields of telecommunications, automotive technology, optics, medical devices and construction. In addition, he represents clients in trademark application proceedings as well as patent and trademark infringement cases. Moreover, he assists clients in developing licensing strategies and drafts licensing agreements.
Dr. Martin Tongbhoyai is a member of the board of directors of the Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys. He served as president of the Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys from 2013 to 2019. He also represents the BDPA on the advisory board of Deutsche Anwalts- und Notarversicherung (DANV). With effect from 1 January 2023, he was appointed as an honorary judge as a patent attorney member of the Chamber for Patent Attorney Matters at the Regional Court of Munich I.
Memberships: the Chamber of Patent Attorneys, EPI, Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys, GRUR, INTA, AIPPI and FICPI.
German, English
+49 221 270577-0
+49 221 270577-10
Thomas Buchenau studied mechanical engineering and business administration at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) in Aachen. His mechanical engineering studies focused on the field of automotive engineering, while his business administration studies deepened his knowledge of operations research and controlling. After completing his studies, he trained as a patent attorney in Cologne, Frankfurt and Munich before joining FREISCHEM & PARTNER in 2007.
Thomas Buchenau has been dealing with all aspects of intellectual property law as a patent attorney for more than 15 years. In particular, he represents domestic and foreign clients in matters of patent, trademark, utility model and design law. He also advises on matters concerning the Employee-Invention Act (Arbeitnehmererfindergesetz) and maps out strategies and contracts for joint developments and licenses.
Regular activities include the preparation, filing and representation of applications for protective rights (patents, utility models, trademarks, designs) before the competent offices (DPMA, EPO, WIPO, EUIPO) as well as the enforcement of such protective rights against competitors. Another focus is direted to the observation of third party intellectual property rights and to taking action against interfering property rights of competitors. For this purpose, opposition, cancellation and nullity proceedings are initiated and conducted before the competent offices or courts, if appropriate.
Mr. Buchenau advises and represents individuals, small and medium-sized companies, and large corporations, taking into account the resources and goals available in each case.
Memberships: the Chamber of Patent Attorneys, EPI, Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys, GRUR, AIPPI and FICPI.
German, English
+49 221 270577-0
+49 221 270577-10
Dr. Hans-Martin Helwig read chemical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (Technical University), focusing, on one hand, on the application of mechanical process engineering in chemistry and, on the other hand, on the technology of renewable and fossil fuels. After obtaining his honours degree, he engaged in intensive research activities at the Technical University of Berlin and at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie. He concluded his scientific career with a degree as a Dr.-Ing. (Doctor of Science [Engineering]) in the field of applied material research.
He completed his training as a patent attorney in Bielefeld and Munich. In 2013, he was admitted as a German patent attorney and as a representative before the European Patent Office. He was a partner in his former training firm in Bielefeld for several years before joining FREISCHEM & PARTNER.
Since his admission to the bar, he has worked for domestic and foreign clients in patent, trademark, utility model and design matters, cases related to employee invention law and the negotiation of contracts. As a Patent Attorney, he has focused, among others, on assisting small and medium-sized companies, counselling them comprehensively in all fields of industrial property.
Dr. Hans-Martin Helwig is a member of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys, the EPI, the FICPI, the AIPPI, the GRUR and the Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys. He is the author of publications in specialist journals and volunteers for the further development of commercial legal protection. He was a member of Examination Committee III of the European Patent Office for the European proficiency test, a member of the board and from 2019 to 2021 President of the Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys. Since 2022 he has been a member of the board of directors of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys.
German, English
+49 221 270577-0
+49 221 270577-10
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Ihr Aufgabengebiet:
- Allgemeine Organisations-, Büro- und Verwaltungsarbeiten
- Vorbereitung von Schriftsätzen sowie Anträgen für Patent-, Marken- oder Gebrauchsmusteranmeldungen
- Vorbereitung und Mitwirkung bei der Einreichung von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen
- Überwachung und Bearbeitung von Fristen
- Korrespondenz mit Ämtern, Gerichten und Mandanten – selbstständig und nach Diktat
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- abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung, idealerweise als Patentanwaltsfachangestellte/r, Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte/r, Notarfachangestellte/r o.Ä.
- erste Berufserfahrungen im Bereich der Marken- und Patentsachbearbeitung wünschenswert, jedoch nicht zwingend erforderlich
- schnelle Auffassungsgabe
- eigenständige, strukturierte Arbeitsweise
- flexibel, teamfähig
- gute EDV-Kenntnisse, Kenntnisse mit PatOrg wünschenswert
- gute Englisch-Kenntnisse
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